Our Policy/Declaration on human rights and the protection of the environment
We are aware of our social responsibility with regard to the environment, safety, health and the observance of human rights. Our conduct in business transactions is also based on these guiding principles. This includes that we take measures to ensure that even our suppliers act in compliance with these principles. In 2021, the German Parliament passed the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG) which obliges large companies to organize their supply chain in line with internationally recognized human and environmental rights. In doing so, the legislator followed the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Essential provisions of the LkSG are attached to this declaration. The LkSG will apply from January 1, 2023. Some customers of our company are direct regulatory addressees of the LkSG and, in implementing the law, we will therefore request them to act in conformity with the human rights and environmental requirements of the LkSG and also to ensure this vis-à-vis their suppliers.
For these reasons, we have established a risk management system and compliance procedure, including a complaint management system and ongoing regular risk analysis, to exclude any of the risks set out in Section 2 (2) LkSG (human rights risks) and Section 2 (3) LkSG (environment-related risks). In addition, we pass on these obligations to our suppliers
to guarantee that our supply chain is in line with the laws.
Nuts: Much healthier than their reputation
The Iowa Women's Health Study in the early 1990s confirmed these results. The group that ate nuts more than 4 times a week had a 40% reduced risk of heart attack. The Nurses Health Study (1998) produced similar encouraging results. Nut consumption of 140 g / week and above reduced the risk of a fatal heart attack by 39%. An American study examined the influence of various sources of fat on blood lipids. Three test groups consumed a diet with the same fat content for four weeks, in one group the fat came mainly from almonds, in the second from olive oil, in the third from dairy products. The almond-rich diet lowered total cholesterol and harmful LDL cholesterol. The olive oil diet did not change the blood values, at least during the trial period. The high-milk-fat diet even caused an increase in total cholesterol. Here, as in other studies, it was shown that the results were independent of the type of nut (e.g. walnuts, macadamia nuts, almonds). Which ingredients are responsible for the positive effect?
Source: aid, Renate Kessen
C aid - Evaluation and Information Service for Food, Agriculture and Forests eV
Database management: ZADI - Central Office for Agricultural Documentation and Information